Virgin Sponsor, Virgin Pole
That's right Sir Richard Branson has joined the team sponsorship lineup as was once touted. I feel the Virgin brand can bring so much to the world of F1 in terms of money and exposure. However Richard is doing his level best to neither confirm or deny his level of interest in the level of sponsorship being offered. It was a deal that was done at the very last minute (4 hours before his flight out to Melbourne so the reports say) but at what level is he entering the sport? Sponsor, Title Sponsor or Team Owner? It would appear that all the options may be on the table and although I can see the magnitude at what Virgin operates I wonder if owning a team at the moment is the best thing for Sir Richard. Perhaps this year will be the eye opener/toe into water scenario where the livery is where Virgin are involved and things progress further next season. It would be interesting to know if any clauses were put in place by Honda about imminent future ownership.