Testing Analysis - Brawn GP
It appears that we may come across the wrath of Flavio and the others teams come Melbourne, Sour grapes? Pretty much in my opinion. Unfortunately for the Renault etc Ross and the team have found a loophole in the regulations to allow a rear diffuser. It is not only the diffuser that is giving us the pace, that is just part of the complex design behind the car diverting the air to the diffuser. The last few test days have been insightful in such a way that we are consistantly quicker than the opposition even if they are running a diffuser too. Against Hulkenberg yesterday we were still nearly 800's of a second quicker. In my opinion it's not only the diffuser making this huge time difference. All we can really say is that at Melbourne the flag drops and the bullshit stops. Today was our first problem encountered during the tests with a gearbox problem encountered by Jenson.
Can't wait for tomorrow's test. Should be interesting.